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My Mortgage Blog — Latest Posts
COVID-19 Mortgage Update
It's been a hectic last several weeks with the changes brought on by the COVID-19 virus concerns. Please find below some additional information and resources for financial relief provided in these...
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Recent changes may be good news for homebuyers
We’ve had back-to-back changes recently in the mortgage world – one direct, one indirect. The benchmark rate used to qualify will change downwards starting April 6, 2020, and the Bank of Canada...
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Know Your Words – Mortgage Words, that is
Buying a home is a big investment. With so much at stake, it’s important learn what you can about the homebuying process as well as understanding the "language” of mortgage lending. A recent...
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Reduce your holiday debt
Happy New Year! As we enter this new decade, do you have some spending regret? You promised to stick to a budget; you promised to scale down and have an old-school, back-to-basics, holiday. But some...
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